Chris West Lab
DNA damage and repair
Waterworth, W.M., Balobaid, A and West, C.E. (2024) Seed longevity and genome damage Biosci Rep 44 (2): BSR20230809.
Waterworth, W.M. and West, C.E. (2023) Genome damage accumulated in seed ageing leads to plant genome instability and growth inhibition. Biochem J 480, 461-470. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20230006.
Waterworth, W.M., Latham, R., Wang, D., Alsharif, M. and West, C.E. (2022) Seed DNA damage responses promote germination and growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 119, pe2202172119.
Piskunen P, Latham R, West CE, Castronovo M, Linko V. Integrating CRISPR/Cas systems with programmable DNA nanostructures for delivery and beyond. iScience. 2022 May 11;25(6):104389. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104389. PMID: 35633938; PMCID: PMC9130510.
Taylor, R. E., West, C. E., & Foyer, C. H. (2022). WHIRLY protein functions in plants. Food and Energy Security, 00, e379.
Waterworth, W.M., Wilson, M., Wang, D., Nuhse, T., Warward, S., Selley, J. and West, C.E. (2019) Phosphoproteomic analysis reveals plant DNA damage signalling pathways with a functional role for histone H2AX phosphorylation in plant growth under genotoxic stress. Plant J.
DOI 10.1111/tpj.14495
Waterworth, W.M., Bray, C.M. and West, C.E. (2019) Seeds and the Art of Genome Maintenance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.
DOI 10.3389/fpls.2019.00706
Webster, R.E., Waterworth, W.M., Stuppy, W., West, C.E., Ennos, R., Bray, C.M., and Pritchard, H.W. (2016). Biomechanical, biochemical, and morphological mechanisms of heat shock-mediated germination in Carica papaya seed. J Exp Bot 67, 6373-6384.
Wanda M. Waterworth, Steven Footitt, Clifford M. Bray, William E. Finch-Savage, and Christopher E. West
DNA damage checkpoint kinase ATM regulates germination and maintains genome stability in seeds
PNAS 2016 ; August 8, 2016
Waterworth WM, Bray CM, West CE The importance of safeguarding genome integrity in germination and seed longevity. J Exp Bot 66 3549-3558, 2015
Park SY, Vaghchhipawala Z, Vasudevan B, Lee LY, Shen Y, Singer K, Waterworth WM, Zhang ZJ, West CE, Mysore KS, Gelvin SB Agrobacterium T-DNA integration into the plant genome can occur without the activity of key non-homologous end-joining proteins. Plant J 81 934-946, 2015
Waterworth WM, Drury GE, Blundell-Hunter G, West CE Arabidopsis TAF1 is an MRE11-interacting protein required for resistance to genotoxic stress and viability of the male gametophyte Plant Journal 84 545-557, 2015
Drury GE, Dowle AA, Ashford DA, Waterworth WM, Thomas J, West CE Dynamics of plant histone modifications in response to DNA damage. Biochem J 445 393-401, 2012
Waterworth WM, Drury GE, Bray CM, West CE Repairing breaks in the plant genome: the importance of keeping it together. New Phytol 192 805-822, 2011
Waterworth WM, Masnavi G, Bhardwaj RM, Jiang Q, Bray CM, West CE A plant DNA ligase is an important determinant of seed longevity PLANT J 63 848-860, 2010
Waterworth WM, Kozak J, Provost CM, Bray CM, Angelis KJ, West CE DNA ligase 1 deficient plants display severe growth defects and delayed repair of both DNA single and double strand breaks BMC PLANT BIOL 9 -, 2009
Dean PJ, Siwiec T, Waterworth WM, Schlogelhofer P, Armstrong SJ, West CE A novel ATM-dependent X-ray-inducible gene is essential for both plant meiosis and gametogenesis PLANT J 58 791-802, 2009
Kozak J, West CE, White C, da Costa-Nunes JA, Angelis KJ Rapid repair of DNA double strand breaks in Arabidopsis thaliana is dependent on proteins involved in chromosome structure maintenance DNA REPAIR 8 413-419, 2009
Bray CM, Sunderland PA, Waterworth WM, West CE DNA ligase--a means to an end joining. SEB Exp Biol Ser 59 203-217, 2008
Breuer C, Stacey NJ, West CE, Zhao Y, Chory J, Tsukaya H, Azumi Y, Maxwell A, Roberts K, Sugimoto-Shirasua K BIN4, a novel component of the plant DNA topoisomerase VI complex, is required for endoreduplication in ArabidopsisPLANT CELL 19 3655-3668, 2007
Waterworth WM, Altun C, Armstrong SJ, Roberts N, Dean PJ, Young K, Weil CF, Bray CM, West CE NBS1 is involved in DNA repair and plays a synergistic role with ATM in mediating meiotic homologous recombination in plants PLANT J 5241-52, 2007
Sunderland PA, West CE, Waterworth WM, Bray CM An evolutionarily conserved translation initiation mechanism regulates nuclear or mitochondrial targeting of DNA ligase 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana PLANT J 47 356-367, 2006
da Costa-Nunes JA, Bhatt AM, O'Shea S, West CE, Bray CM, Grossniklaus U, Dickinson HG Characterization of the three Arabidopsis thaliana RAD21 cohesins reveals differential responses to ionizing radiation J EXP BOT 57 971-983, 2006
Bray CM, West CE DNA repair mechanisms in plants: crucial sensors and effectors for the maintenance of genome integrity New Phytologist 168 511-528, 2005
Waterworth WM, Ashley MK, West CE, Sunderland PA, Bray CM A role for phosphorylation in the regulation of the barley scutellar peptide transporter HvPTR1 by amino acids J EXP BOT 56 1545-1552, 2005
West CE, Waterworth WM, Sunderland PA, Bray CM Arabidopsis DNA double-strand break repair pathways. Biochem Soc Trans 32 964-966, 2004
Sunderland PA, West CE, Waterworth WM, Bray CM Choice of a start codon in a single transcript determines DNA ligase 1 isoform production and intracellular targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana BIOCHEM SOC T 32 614-616, 2004
West CE, Bray CM Improving recombination events in plants Outlooks on Pest Management 15 122-124, 2004
Waterworth WM, Ashley MK, West CE, Bray CM Peptide transport in the developing barley grain, 2003
West CE, Waterworth WM, Story GW, Sunderland PA, Jiang Q, Bray CM Disruption of the Arabidopsis AtKu80 gene demonstrates an essential role for AtKu80 protein in efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks in vivo The Plant Journal 31 517-528, 2002
Waterworth WM, Jiang Q, West CE, Nikaido M, Bray CM Characterization of Arabidopsis photolyase enzymes and analysis of their role in protection from ultraviolet-B radiation Journal of Experimental Botany 53 1005-1015, 2002
Waterworth WM, Ashley MK, West CE, Bray CM Peptide transport in the developing barley grain In The Biology of Seeds: Recent Research Advances , 2002
Waterworth WM, West CE, Bray CM The physiology and molecular biology of peptide transport in seeds Seed Science Research 4 275-284, 2001
West CE, Waterworth WM, Jiang Q, Bray CM Arabidopsis DNA ligase IV is induced by gamma-irradiation and interacts with an Arabidopsis homologue of the double strand break repair protein XRCC4. Plant J 24 67-78, 2000
Waterworth WM, West CE, Bray CM The barley scutellar peptide transporter: biochemical characterization and localization to the plasma membrane. J Exp Bot 51 1201-1209, 2000
Waterworth WM, West CE, Daws MI, Bray CM The barley scutellar peptide transporter: Relationship to germination and loss of seed viability, 2000
West CE, Waterworth WM, Stephens SM, Smith CP, Bray CM Cloning and functional characterisation of a peptide transporter expressed in the scutellum of barley grain during the early stages of germination. Plant J 15 221-229, 1998
Waterworth WM, West CE, Hardy DJ, Bray CM A characterisation of the peptide transport system in barley seeds.Biochem Soc Trans 23 558S-, 1995